Hello & Welcome to the home of my Yoga School and Coaching offerings.  I offer you a space where transformation can happen, whether on a yoga mat or in the coaching conversation.

As principal of Ard Nahoo Yoga School, I have been delivering world-class teacher training, retreats, community/Kula gatherings and holding this sacred yoga space for decades. I would love to meet you on the mat and invite you to come study, grow, practice and play!

I am an experienced Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher and have been practising and teaching yoga for 3 decades. I have reached deep into the well of yoga to find that there is enough wisdom in the tradition to keep me busy for quite a few lifetimes. The yoga world has changed greatly since I began my practice (in the early ’90s!), with lots of positive innovations and some not-so-great additions. I have a deep respect for the teachers that have come before me and an active interest in combining the old knowledge with the new cutting-edge understanding of the human body, mind and heart.

This precious practice can change lives in such a potent way. Regardless of age, race, colour or creed, yoga works! I am excited to share my love and insight of yoga with you. I can guide you to use yoga philosophy and practices to transform and enrich your life. The ancient wisdom is the perfect antidote for the challenges of our modern times.

Alongside my yoga practice, I am a Transformative Coach. I am here to help anyone who is looking for change and clarity of purpose in any area of their lives. I will act like a mirror for you to see yourself clearly and think more openly about your situation. I truly believe that we have the power to change any part of our lives that we choose once we have the courage to let go of thoughts, beliefs, and values that are no longer a fit for our lives.  When we begin to listen to our own inner guide and wisdom, and have the courage to act on that guidance, then the true magic happens. We can build the life we want by aligning with and focusing on our heart-felt desires.

In particular, I work with many yoga teachers to help them develop their teaching skills and to build their businesses.  I have walked in those shoes and built businesses over the past 30 years.  I love to help others reach their potential and beyond…

I invite you to step into your power and create a happy and healthy future. Hope to meet you on the mat or in conversation soon.


Noeleen xo

Upcoming Events


Come As You Are – Weekend Workshop Series

These are workshop-style classes for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of alignment in their practice. Not alignment for any aesthetic ideal, but alignment with the heart, the inner body and the inner teacher as the primary intention or Sankalpa.
One could say that we Align with the Divine. We use the gift of embodiment to work skillfully with the intelligence of the breath and human biomechanics to turn the practice into an art with a scientific foundation.

Warning – we will have fun!

This is the perfect way to check out the practice and the venue if you are interested in doing the 100 Hour Immersion or the 

200 Hour Teacher Training

Venue: Kindred Studios Strandhill

Time: 10am – 12noon

Sorry not suitable for absolute beginners
Dates in October 2024- May 2025

Tuesday Evenings 6.30pm – 8pm

Level 2 Anusara Yoga Class

Venue: Newtownmanor Hall

This beautifully situated community space is the new home of this weekly class that has been running in some shape or form for over 20 Years!

I am very grateful to have this on my doorstep.  It is a few kilometres outside of Dromahair and easily accessed from Sligo (come out via Calry)

For yoga practitioners who like a challenging and educational class.  Expect to work hard and have some fun with a great group of seasoned yogis and yoginis!

Also, perfect for anyone who is thinking of joining any of my trainings – 100 Immersion, Restorative, 300 & 200 Hour Teacher Trainings

Text me on 087 9218906 to book a place


300 hour advanced yoga teacher training Ireland

Next Course Starts October 2024


Spanish Retreat October 2024

Gift Vouchers

Online Course & Upcoming Workshops

Video Testimonials